The impression of the house and its owner creates details. They will be described with amazing accuracy, everyone will tell us about the owner of the house: a homebody or a tramp, a romantic or pragmatist, an ascetic or a lover of luxury, modern or conservative.

The first function of the clock is the measurement of time.
We plan our day, we have time for work, on matinee for the child, we prepare a masterpiece, we observe the regime of the day.
Modern watches are so diverse in design, price and quality that the choice is yours.
In addition to traditional hours for determining the time that are sold in stores, you can make your own for various purposes: decorate the interior, teach the child to navigate in time, save memorable moments from life.

Watch yourself with hands of hoops, burlap and bright buttons

And most importantly they can be created from simple improvised materials, limiting their financial costs. For example, use old hoops, burlap and bright buttons, which, no doubt, will be found in every mistress. It turns out an original and cheerful decoration for a workshop or a nursery.

Similar watches can be made from the old base for the watch, attaching to it cheerful magnets or gluing the same buttons in the form of a dial.

New watches from the old base

If you know how to hold a spoke or a hook, tie the base to the clock and decorate it with operating clocks or those that do not already go. In the context of a retro-interior or interior country style, they will look very organic.

Waches designed in a domino style

Many families spent the long winter evenings playing dominoes with neighbors. Are your neighbors gambling, addicted people? Surprise them for hours, designed in a domino style. I’m sure they will like this gift!